Loyalty has long been recognised as a crucial medieval concept, being invoked by contemporaries in such widely spaced contexts as political struggles, state-building, courtly romance, group solidarities, and marital and kinship bonds. This conference aims to bring together fresh approaches to loyalty in practice and as an ethical bond, and foster a deeper understanding of emotion, behaviour, and social and political structures across the medieval world.
Online registration is open on the online store until midnight on Wednesday 3rd April: https://store.lincoln.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/conferences/20232024
We are generously supported by the Leverhulme Trust, Lincoln Record Society, and Haskins Society, and sponsored by the Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies
Get in touch with the organisers with any questions: Hannah Boston (hboston@lincoln.ac.uk) or Chris Lewis (chris.lewis@sas.ac.uk)
All times given as BST
Day 1— Friday 5th April 2024
9:15-10:00 Registration, coffee
10:00-11:30 (Optional) Walking tour of Lincoln
12:00-13:15 Lunch and Early Career poster session
13:15-13:30 Opening remarks: Loyalty in the Medieval World
Chris Lewis and Hannah Boston
13:30-15:00 Session 1
Room A
Defining Loyalty
Alastair Gardner (University of Birmingham), Nihil in amicitia fide praestantius: The Entanglement of Trust and Loyalty in Aelred of Rievaulx’s De spirituali amicitia
Emily A. Winkler (St Edmund Hall, Oxford), God’s Greatest Treasure? Grief, Loyalty, and the Problem of Candour
Room B
Complex Loyalties
Andrei Pogăciaș (Independent scholar, Romania), Loyalty in the Medieval Romanian Countries: God, Voivod, and Pragmatism
Bill Aird (University of Edinburgh), The Revolt of Robert de Mowbray, Earl of Northumbria, in 1095, and Competing Loyalties
Matthew Bennett (University of Winchester), William the Marshal’s Conflicting Loyalties to the Realm, Family, and Followers
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Session 2
Room A
Dilemmas in Loyalty to Kin
Morgan Powell (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Triuwe and Truth: Concepts of Loyalty and Christian Truth in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Narrative Poetics
Francesca Cannon (University of Lincoln), ‘Wife, [Step-]Mother, Sister, Spy?’ The Loyalty of Margaret of France, Queen of England.
Sofya Nikiforova (University of Lincoln), Reflections on Marital Loyalty in Early Fourteenth-Century France: The Tour de Nesle Affair
Room B
Rituals of Loyalty
Arnaud Montreuil (Université de Québec à Chicoutimi), Building Chivalric Loyalties through Knighting Rituals in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century England and France
Andrea Tarnowski (Dartmouth College), Loyalty and Christine de Pizan’s Tale of the Rose [online]
Jenny McHugh (Lancaster University), Loyalty, Faith, and Service: How was Loyalty Conceptualized in Scottish Oaths of Allegiance, c. 1296–1445?
18:00-21:00 Keynote: David Stocker (Leeds)
‘Dead Loyal: exhibitions of loyalty in the burial ground during the tenth and eleventh centuries’
Joint event with Lincoln Record Society, followed by drinks and canapés
Day 2— Saturday 6th April
8:45-9:15 Registration for later arrivals
9:15-10:00 Keynote: Simon Keller (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ) (remote)
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-12:00 Session 3
Room A
Loyalty and Legal Status
Bobbie Jenner-Clarke (University of Winchester), Legislating Loyalty and Lordship in Early Medieval England [online]
Alexander Thomas (Independent scholar, England), A Question of Erratic Loyalty? Danish Law and Custom within the Danelaw
Niall Ó Súilleabháin (Université de Poitiers/CNRS), More servorum: Loyalty and Unfreedom in Late and Post-Carolingian France, c. 850–c. 1100
Room B
The Use and Effects of Loyalty
Annett Krakow (University of Silesia), Of Devotion and Deception: Hákon Jarl’s Use of Loyalty [online]
Max Lieberman (University of Zurich), Loyalty in the March of Wales
Caroline Bourne (University of Reading), A Source of Disloyalty? Reginald de Braose’s Quest to be Lord of Gower
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 4
Room A
Communal Loyalties
Eleanor Bailey (University of Sheffield), ‘Fyghters, Brawlers, Brekers of Lofedayes’: Peace-Keeping and Loyalty-Making at the Loveday of 1458
Philippa Byrne (Trinity College, Dublin), The Loyalty of Scholars: Promises, Formation, and Coercion in the Thirteenth-Century University
Gustav Zamore (Uppsala University), Parochial Solidarity and Resistance in Late Medieval England
Room B
Multiple Lordship
Matthew Hammond (King’s College, London), How Common was Multiple Lordship in Scotland?
Thibault Jouis (Sorbonne Université), Datum fuit intelligi domino regi quod Paganus adjunxit se regi Francie: The Loyalty of Defectors after the Capetian Conquest of Anjou (1199–1246)
John Marshall (Trinity College, Dublin/Institute of Historical Research, London), The Sides of the Curragh: Tenantry Loyalty in the Rebellion of Richard Marshal, 1233–4
15:00-15:30 Coffee
15:30-17:00 Session 5
Room A
Family and Lovers
Stephen Church (University of Lincoln), Henry fitz Empress, Henry the Young King, and Roger of Howden: Reintegrating the Rebellious Boys into the Plantagenet World at the end of the War without Love, 1174-5
Daniela Maldonado Castañeda (University of Toronto), Rediscovering Loyalty in the Medieval World: A Narrative Analysis [online]
Ruth Harvey (Royal Holloway, University of London), Loyalty and Litigation in the Troubadour Love-Lyric
Room B
Discourses of Loyalty
Katy Cubitt (University of East Anglia), Dissolving and Creating Bonds of Loyalty in Regnal Transitions: England 1014–1018
Michał Machalski (Central European University, Vienna), ‘So Vipers Nurse at the Breasts of Devout Loyalty!’ Loyalty in Vincentius of Cracow’s Chronica Polonorum
Katy Bennett (University of York), Nous avons réservé notre foi envers notre seigneur naturel: Discourses of ‘Natural Loyalty’ in Late Medieval Gascony
19:00 Conference dinner
Day 3— Sunday 7th April
9:15-10:45 Session 6
Room A
Disloyalty and Betrayal
Linsey Hunter (University of the Highlands and Islands), ‘The Vice of Treachery, Worst of All Vices’: Disloyalty, Status, Gender, and Politics in the Scotichronicon
Emilia Musumeci (University of Teramo), Obsessed with Betrayal: Disloyalty and the Crime of Poison in Medieval Italy
Room B
Warriors and Lords
Adrian Jobson (University of East Anglia), Under Pressure: Loyalty, Lordship, and Royalist Affinities during the First English Revolution
Matthew Hefferan (University of Nottingham), The Cost of Loyalty? Rewarding Household Retainers in Fourteenth-Century England
Andrew Fischer (University of Cambridge), Hardly a Virtue: Loyal Service in Medieval Japan
10:45-11:15 Coffee
11:15-12:45 Session 7
Room A
Loyalty and Group Identity
Jennifer Pearce (Nottingham Trent University), Loyalty and Disloyalty in the Latin East, 1099–1350
Dean Irwin (University of Lincoln), The Queen’s Man: Eleanor of Castile and Cok Hagin
Jonathan Sheill (Bishop Grossteste University), National Identity through Loyalty in Early Fourteenth-Century Britain
Room B
Loyalty to Kings
Mark Hewett (University of Reading), Loyalty to a Condemned King: The Case of Philip I of France and William IX of Aquitaine
Andy King (University of Southampton), ‘The King’s Scottish Enemies and Rebels’: Identity, Enmity, and Allegiance in Northumberland, c. 1296–c. 1307
Alan Thacker (Institute of Historical Research, University of London), The Loyalties of Ranulf II, Earl of Chester 1129-53
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Presentation of ECR Poster prizes
Roundtable discussion and closing remarks
Launch of Loyalty Network
15:30 Delegates depart